We are indpendent training and consulting services provider.
What is our purpose?
Our Purpose is our Passion.
Our Passion is driven by Your Needs.
Your Needs is Our Mission.
Our Mission is to help you to unlock your potential.
Your potential is your rocket fuel for an ongoing business success.
We strongly believe that each person and each organisation on the planet has the potential to reach even the most difficult destination.
We are here to help you to etablish your goals, and to guide you on how to create a clear path for achievements.
Our vision is to create a business world with no barriers.
We'll make you to push the open door always...
How do we do it?
Synergy - the integration and combination of business practice with business body of knowledge, is what we believe is the best way for career growth and business success.
This is a foundation of our services, that we offer.
Courses and consulting services , that we offer aim to enhance your strengths and capabilities to help you to succesfully compete within organisation and market.
Our approach is always driven by our customer's perceived value.
Our programmes provide a robust blend of most relevant theoretical principles combined with real business scenarios.
We are here to close the gap and to build the bridge between business body of knowledge and practical solutions to boost your performance either as an employee or business owner.
We always explore for the most simple and effective solutions.

Our expertise

Supply Chain Management
SCM is challenging, simple and fun. There is a constantly growing demand for Supply Chain Specialists including planners, buyers and analysts. Develop practical application of Supply Chain principles. Analytics (KPIs / Metrics), planning, execution, coordination, leadership, technology, value creation, customer focus, negotiation, innovation, team work (cross- functionality) these are the elements of successful SCM.

Business Management & Strategy
In hyper competitive environment nothing lasts forever. It is a fact that even the best company in the world today could disappear tomorrow. Assessing your strategic position – how are you getting on today, setting up your strategic goals – where are you planning to be in 5, 10 or 20 years, how to achieve your goals is in simple words what the strategic management deals on a day to day basis. Understanding Strategic Principles is a key for success in each business function and in each industry. Achieving and sustaining competitive advantage is the aim of Strategic Management.

Operations Management
Transforming an input into output. This is what in simple words the Operations Management is. Planning, scheduling, performance effectiveness and efficiency, continuous improvement, team management, cost management are the elements that play a key role in Operations Management.

Business Excellence
Value is always in the centre of any endeavour. Value in this example is always taken from the customer’s perspective. It is not about your personal or organisational reward, like profit. Value is what the customers desire. Long term benefits as a reward for business professionals and organisations come from discovering such value and putting the customer on the first place always.

Safety Awareness – Manual Handling
Doing great in your job or with your business is fantastic. But doing all the things in a safe and healthy manner is always a priority. No matter what are you doing, the only person responsible for your own safety is you…

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